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The following is from the production notes
We have long regarded “time” as the most objective and equitable concept that humanity can share.
Yet, looking back through history, we see that our concept of time has always shifted in tandem with human activities and values. What was once a cyclical view of time was, under the spread of Christianity, recast as a linear progression toward an end. Mechanical clocks - devised to measure time uniformly under God’s dominion - were installed in monasteries and public squares. Subsequently, clocks (and the notion of time itself) passed from divine authority to the hands of merchants. Under the guise of discipline and expanding productivity, time became a tool for driving economies and societies, ultimately speeding up our daily lives.
Converting “time” - originally immeasurable - into something sharable by all through the invention of the “clock” was a major leap for humanity. Just like currency, which reduces a multitude of values into a single standard, this notion of time has become deeply ingrained in our survival instincts and social structures.
As technology evolved, computers advanced beyond merely displaying numbers graphically and began to meld into physical spaces, fusing the virtual and real worlds. “Spatial computing,” epitomized by devices like Apple Vision Pro, opens new frontiers of expression directly linked to our bodily senses by doing away with traditional metaphors such as “desktops” and “files.”
Meanwhile, our hearts continue to beat within us. For instance, mammals of all species are said to share a common total of about 1.5 to 2 billion heartbeats over their lifetimes - be they mice or elephants. Although heart rates and lifespans differ, all are finite beings whose lives are measured in heartbeats. In some deep, intuitive sense, perhaps we sense the inherent fragility of this “time that is measured.”
“Time Specimens” is a sample project that uses the “clock” as a metaphor for technology, offering a fresh perspective on time by aligning with our bodily senses and the rhythms of the world.
以下 制作メモ より
しかし歴史を振り返ると、時間の概念は常に人間の営みや価値観と結びつきながら変容してきたことに気づきます。かつての円環的な時間観は、キリスト教が普及する中で「終末へ向かう直線的な時間」へと書き換えられ、神の支配のもとにあった時を一律に刻む装置として、機械式時計が修道院や市場の広場に据えられました。その後時計 (時間) は、神から商人たちの手へと渡り、規律と生産性拡大という名分のもとに経済や社会を動かす道具として、人々の生活を加速させるに至ります。
テクノロジーは進化とともに、コンピューターが数値をグラフィックとして出力するだけでなく、空間に溶け込み、仮想世界と物理世界が一体化する段階へと踏み込みました。Apple Vision Proに代表される「空間コンピューティング」は、従来の“デスクトップ”や“ファイル”といったメタファを溶かし、私たちの身体感覚に直接的に結びつく新しい表現領域を拓いています。